Sunday, March 20, 2011

What to say...

So the odd thing about having a blog is figuring out what I want to write in it. All this stuff flying around in my head, but the reality of putting anything down in such a permanent fashion is just a bit daunting. I could write about the joys of dealing with sports parents at Brianna's gym meets. Like when they make shitty comments about other kids, or act like they are cheering for an Olympian right next to my ear. Or about how hard it is to watch your kid try their best, and have it not really be the best to everyone else.

Or how about things like us bombing Libya. Really? Why? I'm so removed from the political arena at this point, I don't know that I even care. Which is sad, but true...

Oh! I could talk about watching Chayson's legs become more and more bent. About my worry that he will be the awkward kid who has funny teeth, unruly hair, pasty skin, twisted legs, and is so shy he barely talks to his classmates.

Maybe I should blog about Rylan and how I see him going down the same road of mediocrity that I traveled at his age. I don't know if I should push him to be the person he can be or just let him travel his own way. Well, that's a lie. I know. He needs to find his own way. But I really don't want to watch him struggle like I did.

But really, that's not the stuff in my head right now. The stuff that's in there now.... I can't write that down anywhere.

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