Thought for today...
My kids are getting to damn old. My realization of this started with Rylan's desire to buy a fedora. Not that a fedora in and of itself signifies any kind of maturity level, but just the fact that he made a fashion choice that was so...him... showed me that he's thinking for himself.
Brianna washed her face with cold cream. She's concerned she's going to get pimples, and wants to take care of her skin. I try to remember that I was just slightly older than her when I started shaving my legs, but the very uncool parent in me wants to stick her in a frilly pink smock and put pigtails in her hair and remind her that she's still a little girl.
Chayse got a real haircut. Considering this was only his second real haircut in his 5 years of life (the others being trims done by me and a traumatizing chop job done by himself), this was a big step. He's also starting pre school next week. My last baby, growing up. I realized the other day that he was probably too big to fit in his mei tai anymore and I should probably give it to someone who could use it. But honestly, I don't think I could bring myself to hand it over to anyone.
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